Zero Suicide
Learning Collaborative

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About the Collaborative

Zero Suicide, considered an aspirational goal and strategy of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, and Suicide Prevention Resource Center, calls for a paradigm shift and commitment to reducing the number of suicides of those served by behavioral health and health systems in our state to ZERO. That requires focused attention and leadership commitment to address the 7 elements of Zero Suicide.  

  • LEAD a system-wide change to create a workforce culture aimed to reduce suicide.
  • TRAIN a competent, confident, and caring workforce.
  • IDENTIFY individuals with suicide risk via comprehensive screening and assessment.
  • ENGAGE individuals at-risk of suicide using a suicide care management plan.
  • TREAT suicidal thoughts and behaviors using evidence-based treatments.
  • TRANSITION individuals through care with warm hand-offs and supportive contacts.
  • IMPROVE policies and procedures through continuous quality improvement.

The Florida LEADS Project invites you to participate in a statewide Zero Suicide learning collaborative aimed at assessing the quality of suicide care, educating on suicide best practices, and sharing successful programs and lessons learned from within our state. The learning collaborative will bring together subject matter experts and agency leadership from various disciplines to discuss and strategize on screening, assessment, intervention, treatment, transitions, training, evaluation, and quality improvement.  

Based on a needs assessment obtained through live-polling of over 100 behavioral health leaders at Florida Behavioral
Health Association’s BH Con in August 2023, and subsequent survey of additional leaders not able to attend, the following
needs were identified and developed into a 2024 agenda of bi-monthly topics:

Session Topic: Commitment to Change: WHY, launch strategies, just culture
Element: LEAD
Date: February 2024
Session Topic: Community Change: Lessons learned from established community Zero Suicide Coalitions
Element: LEAD
Date: April 2024
Session Topic: Workforce Development: Assess staff confidence/skills to design training and support
Element: TRAIN
Date: June 2024
Session Topic: Targeted Suicide Treatments: Evidence-based therapies, considerations for implementation
Element: TREAT
Date: August 2024
Session Topic: Care Transition: Care coordination and follow-up models, program outcomes, funding strategies
Date: October 2024
Session Topic: Quality Improvement: Fidelity to suicide care policies, data and monitoring, suicide debriefing
Element: IMPROVE
Date: December 2024

Interested in Joining?

Participation Pledges for the Zero Suicide Learning Collaborative will be accepted on a rolling basis. To get started, please review and complete the Participation Pledge (click on the Join Collaborative button). At that time, include contact information for additional agency staff who you would like to attend sessions (in addition to your alternate identified within the pledge). Only one Participation Pledge is required per agency. Calendar invites with webinar links will be provided to pledged participants once Pledge has been accepted. We hope you can join us!

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Zero Suicide Resources

Toolkit for Zero Suicide in Health & Behavioral Health Care

The FL LEADS Zero Suicide Toolkit incorporates key elements of Zero Suicide (Lead, Train, Identify, Engage, Treat, Transition, and Improve) and various clinical practices to improve suicide care. The toolkit is designed to provide agency leaders with an exemplar of best practices integrated in the FL LEADS project. Our model incorporates a systematic and evidence-based approach to create a safer, more resilient care environment for populations at risk of suicide.
Download PDF

Zero Suicide Data Elements Worksheet

This worksheet aids health and behavioral health organizations implement a data-driven, quality improvement approach to suicide care through emphasizing key measures for maintaining a comprehensive suicide care model with the goal of being revised every three months.
Download PDF

Data Interest Summary

This infographic showcases survey results from a statewide polling on the familiarity with and interest in Zero Suicide components, organizational self-assessment scores across various suicide care domains, and preferences for collaborative meeting frequency, duration, and format.
Download PDF

Organizational Self-Study

The Zero Suicide Organizational Self-Study is a self-assessment of essential elements in a suicide care pathway. Organizations rate their current policies and practices for each Zero Suicide element. Completing the self-study highlights important gaps and opportunities to be explored with a Zero Suicide implementation team aimed to improve suicide care.
Download PDF